About me

And then again … is all about the ongoing journey of trying to make sense of things by me, Lindsay McCay. I live in South Africa, having already made the journey from then-Rhodesia now-Zimbabwe to South Africa as a really naive 18 year old, and never really going back. I live on my own, with one incredibly gorgeous 28 year old daughter who has recently spent eight months travelling overseas while I lived vicariously through her.  I want to share some of what I’ve done and thought and think and feel and I know that I’ll be surprised by how much of it is shared by others.

Some of my stories will be from my very early days on our farm outside Bulawayo, others from school (which I hated although was apparently very good at), then the big move out of the country to ‘varsity and then the even bigger move to the UK and the world at large. Back to SA, work for over 40 years (yes, I’m now 62!), two marriages, two divorces, one child, one step-child, three step-grandchildren, births and deaths – and yet still, I mess things up and do good. Have good and bad days. Feel awful and incredibly happy.

I also have stories about stories – things I hear or see, and things I imagine doing or happening.  And then there are just thoughts. Thoughts about what has happened to me or someone in my life or thoughts about what I should be thinking! Music always makes me think and remember too. More stories there.

Let’s see if I’ve got anything worth saying.

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