You had me from Hello

I love love. The idea of it is magical and there is a big part of me that believes in the fairy tale. I want it all and I want it now – but I’m not particularly good at it. I have fallen in and out of love, been married and divorced twice, been on good and disastrous dates, and sung along to nearly every love song that has ever been written. I could write this entire blog in cliché love song words but still be found wanting at the end.

And love at first sight? That is real too. No question. Maybe not quite I saw you across a crowded room but attraction yes, and then getting to know you and butterfly feelings in my tummy. Dirty dancing for real and afterwards you can honestly say that for a while you did … have the time of your life

I’ve been waiting for so long

Now I’ve finally found someone to stand by me

We saw the writing on the wall

And we felt this magical fantasy

Does it last? Another million dollar question of course. Not always and not always all parts of that first attraction but yes, I believe it can. It helps to fall in love with someone who becomes your friend too. All the ‘L’ words – like, love, lust, longing … I’ve had them all and in the end the best was when I could say

I’m lucky I’m in love with my best friend

Lucky to have been where I have been

The one good thing about getting older (yes, I’m afraid one does start counting them up) is that you do get perspective on things. I look back over 40 plus years on the relationship highway and see it more as a roller coaster than a road. But funnily enough, I love that too. I like the fact that things haven’t been plain sailing. I like knowing I have had good and bad relationships and I know I have learnt from them all. I’ve also learnt about real friendship and I’ve learnt what you can and can’t do about people. 20131227_171840Most importantly, you can’t change them! Why is it that we think we can take someone we like and somehow make them better? What on earth is better and why do we think our better is actually better?

So much to learn and of course, I don’t always get it right.

I might not have the best track record but that absolutely won’t stop me trying.

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